Christopher Stuart
Registered Massage Therapist
Registered Acupuncturist
Christopher became a registered massage therapist in 2010 after completing his University Degree at Wilfrid Laurier for Psychology, Philosophy and Religious and Cultural studies. Starting in a multidispinary rehab clinic Chris developed the ability to treat clients from acute injuries, post-operation and chronic rehab care. Within those hours treating he developed an in depth understanding of how to manipulate scar tissue and adhesions to reduce pain and initiate restorative function.
Then worked in a general clinical setting where he was able to use his techniques on the general public to help with general aches and pains brought on by every day life. In 2016 Chris started Deep Roots with Shannon Rackham to further their dream of providing a center for alternative healthcare to bring harmony to everyone's lives.
In 2021 Chris became a registered acupuncturist R.A.c and has
Goal is to create a practice for prenatal and pediatric care through his knowledge of massage therapy and acupuncture